Mastering time expressions : “Since ” vs ” For “

Mastering time expressions : “Since ” vs ” For “

The difference between “for” and “since” lies in how they describe the duration of time.


*usage :” For ” is used to specify a period or duration of time .

Example :• I have lived here for five years.

•She has been studying English for two hours.


Usage: “Since” is used to indicate the starting point of an action on event that continues up to the present .

Examples : They have been married since 2020.

•She has been working in the company since last winter.

Use “for” when you are talking about the length of time something has been happening.

•Structure: for + period of time (e.g. hours ,days ,month, years)

•Use “Since” when you are referring to the specific point in time when something started.

•Structure :since + specific point in time ( e.g. , a specific date day, time)

• For = duration of time .

She has known her for twelve year .

•Since = starting point in time .

She has known her since 2020.


One thought on “Mastering time expressions : “Since ” vs ” For “

  1. this is very helpful and your way is simple, clear, and easy to understand,
    just a small tweak in the part of (Usage: “Since” is used to indicate the starting point of an action on event that continues up to the present .) i think you mean “or event ” instead of “on event”
    thank you for your effort its great

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