Irregular Plurals: Understanding the Unique Forms

Irregular Plurals: Understanding the Unique Forms
  • Irregular plural nouns are nouns that do not follow the typical rules for forming plurals in English. Unlike regular plural nouns, which usually add “s” or “es” to the end of the singular form, irregular plurals undergo more significant changes. These changes can include alterations in the word’s spelling, pronunciation, or even its structure.

1. Man – Men

2. Woman – Women

3. Child Children

4. Tooth- Teeth

5. Foot – Feet

6. Mouse – Mice

7. Goose – Geese

8. Person – People

9. Ox – Oxen

10. Fish – Fish (or Fishes)

11. Sheep – Sheep

12. Deer – Deer

13. Moose – Moose

14. Series – Series

15. Species – Species

16. Aircraft – Aircraft

17. Alumnus – Alumni

18. Datum – Data

19. Bacterium Bacteria

20. Cactus – Cacti

21. Criterion – Criteria

22. Phenomenon – Phenomena

23. Medium – Media

24. Analysis – Analyses

25. Axis -Axes.

26. Crisis – Crises

27. Diagnosis – Diagnoses

28. Hypothesis – Hypotheses

29. Oasis- Oases

30. Thesis – Theses

31. Syllabus – Syllabi

32. Focus – Foci

33. Fungus – Fungi

34. Nucleus – Nuclei

35. Radius- Radii

36. Stimulus – Stimuli

37. Genus – Genera

38. Louse- Lice

39. Goose – Geese

40. Manservant – Menservants

41. Womanservant – Womenservants

43. Curriculum – Curricula

42. Penny – Pence

44. Memorandum -Memoranda

45. Formula – Formulae

46. Vertebra – Vertebrae

47. Appendix – Appendices

48. Index- Indices

49. Matrix – Matrices

50. Vertex – Vertices

51. Vortex – Vortices

52. Appendix – Appendices

53. Octopus – Octopuses/Octopi

54. Hippopotamus Hippopotamuses/Hippopotami

55. Syllabus – Syllabi/Syllabuses

56. Corpus – Corpora

57. Genus – Genera

58. Erratum – Errata

59. Millennium – Millennia

60. Memorandum Memoranda

61. Bureau – Bureaux/Bureaus

62. Plateau – Plateaux/Plateaus

63. Tableau – Tableaux/Tableaus

64. Cherub – Cherubim

65. Seraph – Seraphim

66. Offspring – Offspring

67. Deer – Deer

68. Fish -Fish

69. Swine- Swine

70. Trout- Trout

71. Salmon – Salmon

72. Bison- Bison

73. Moose – Moose

74. Antelope – Antelope

75. Cod – Cod

76. Pike Pike

77. Reindeer – Reindeer

78. Grouse – Grouse

79. Series – Series

80. Species — Species

81. Works – Works

82. Headquarters Headquarters

83. Means – Means

85. Tuna Tuna/Tunas

84. Shrimp — Shrimp/Shrimps

86. Barracks – Barracks

87. Crossroads – Crossroads

88. Dice – Dice

89. Elk — Elk

90. Hovercraft– Hovercraft

91. Mongoose – Mongooses

92. Watercraft – Watercraft

93. Woodlouse – Woodlice

94. Cloakroom – Cloakrooms

95. Knack- Knacks

96. Cul-de-sac — Cul-de-sacs

97. Passerby – Passersby

98. Standby- Standbys

99. Attorney General — Attorneys General

100. Notary Public — Notaries Public

Irregular plurals add richness and complexity to the English language. While they can be challenging to learn, understanding their forms and usage is essential for effective communication. By studying these unique plural forms, you enhance your grammatical skills and deepen your appreciation for the intricacies of English.

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