

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.

For example : The antonym of hot is cold.

Antonyms are opposites . They don’t mean the same.

  • If I say Young then you say Old .
  • If I say Hot the you say Cold .
  • If I say Yes then you say No.

Some words can have more than one antonym , depending on the context in which the same word is used.


  • Above- Below
  • Absent- Present
  • Achieve- Fail
  • Add-Subtract
  • Afraid- Confident
  • After- Before
  • Amateur- Professional
  • Ancient- Modern
  • Argue- Agree
  • Arrive- Depart
  • Arrogant- Humble
  • Ascend- Descend
  • Attack-Defend
  • Awake- Asleep
  • Bad- Good
  • Beautiful- Ugly
  • Before -After
  • Better- Worse
  • Big- Little
  • Birth- Death
  • Black- White
  • Blunt- Sharp
  • Bold- Timid
  • Brave- Cowardly
  • Brief- Long
  • Bright- Dull
  • Busy- Idle
  • Buy- Sell
  • Cautious- Careless
  • Cheap- Expensive
  • Clean- Dirty
  • Close- Open
  • Cold- Hot
  • Complex- Simple
  • Compliment- Insult
  • Cool- Warm
  • Crazy- Sane
  • Crooked- Straight
  • Cruel- Kind
  • Dark- Light
  • Day- Night
  • Deep- Shallow
  • Decrease- Increase
  • Demand- Supply
  • Destroy- Create
  • Divide- Unite
  • Down- Up
  • Drunk- Sober
  • East- West
  • Easy- Difficult
  • End- Begin
  • Even- Odd
  • Evening- Morning
  • Expand- Contract
  • Fail- Pass
  • False- True
  • Fat- Skinny
  • Fiction- Fact
  • Float- Sink
  • Follow- Lead
  • Foolish- Wise
  • Forgive- Blame
  • Freeze- Boil
  • Full- Empty
  • Generous- Stingy
  • Gentle- Rough
  • Giant- Dwarf
  • Give- Receive
  • Gloomy- Cheerful
  • Grief- Joy
  • Guilty- Innocent
  • Happy- Sad
  • Hard- Soft
  • Heaven- Hell
  • Heavy- Light
  • High- Low
  • Hire- Fire
  • Huge- Tiny
  • Hungry-Full
  • Idle- Active
  • In- Out
  • Include- Exclude
  • Individual- Group
  • Innocent- Guilty
  • Inside- Outside
  • Joy- Sadness
  • Kind- Cruel
  • Lie- Truth
  • Like- Dislike
  • likely- Unlikely
  • Liquid- Solid
  • Lonely- Crowded
  • Long- Short
  • Loose- Tight
  • Lost- Found
  • Love- Hate
  • Major – Minor
  • Man- Woman
  • Marvelous- Terrible
  • Mature- Immature
  • Maximum- Minimum
  • Mix- Separate
  • Moist- Dry
  • More- Less
  • Most- Least
  • Move- Stay
  • Near- Far
  • Never- Always
  • Spend- Earn
  • Start- Stop
  • Started- Finished
  • Stay- Leave
  • Stiff- Flexible
  • Stop- Go
  • Strength- Weakness
  • Strong- Weak
  • Student- Teacher
  • Sturdy- Weak
  • Sunny- Cloudy
  • Superb- Inferior
  • Tame- Wild
  • Teach- Learn
  • Temporary- Permanent
  • Thin- Wide
  • Tidy- Messy
  • Timid- Bold
  • Together- Apart
  • Top- Bottom
  • Toward- Away
  • Tragic- Comic
  • Transparent- Opaque
  • Triumph- Defeat
  • True- False
  • Union- Separation
  • Unique- Common
  • Upset- Stabilize
  • Urge- Deter
  • Vacant-Occupied
  • Vague- Definite
  • Vertical- Horizontal
  • Victory- Defeat
  • Villain- Hero
  • Visible- Invisible
  • Wax- Wane
  • Wealth- Poverty
  • Well- Sick
  • Wet- Dry
  • e White- Black
  • Wild- Tame
  • Win- Lose
  • With- Without
  • Worthy- Worthless
  • Young- Old

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