The Hindu vocabulary [21 July 2024 ]

Citing (verb) : Referencing or mentioning as evidence or support – उद्धृत करते हुए.

Synonyms : refer to, make reference to ,quote , announcing , taking note of .

Antonyms : deny , disclaim,dissent .

Accused (verb) : Charged with a fault or crime – आरोप

Synonyms: indicted , convicted , guilty , punishable , shamefaced .

Antonyms: innocent, acquitted , impeccable .

Flurry (noun) – A sudden short period of activity or excitement – हलचल.

Synonyms: explosion , eruption , increase , flicker , flare .

Antonyms : slump , doldrums .

Inadequacy (noun) – The state or quality of being insufficient or not enough अपर्याप्तता.

Synonyms: scarcity, poverty, dearth , deficit .

Antonyms : sufficient , abundance , plenty .

Disguised (adjective) – Having a hidden or altered appearance – वेष बदलकर.

Synonyms: concealed , cloaked , dressed up , masked .

Antonyms : exposed , flaunted , unveiled .

Denial (noun) – Refusal to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion – अस्वीकृति

Synonyms: rejection , declination, non acceptance, refusal .

Antonyms : grant , approval , agreement.

Idioms and phrases

(used about an argument or somebody’s feelings) to become more serious or angry.

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Hindu vocabulary

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