Workplace English: Top Phrasal Verbs You Need to Know

Workplace English: Top Phrasal Verbs You Need to Know

Hello everyone . Today we will learn amazing phrasal verbs related to workplace that will help you to enhance your workplace communication and speak like a pro.

Carry out – to perform or complete a task or activity.

Example: “She was asked to carry out a survey among the employees.”

Example: “He decided to take on more projects to enhance his skills.”

Burn out – to become very tired or lose energy due to overwork.

Example: “If you don’t take breaks, you might burn out quickly.”

Deal with – to handle or manage a situation or problem.

Example: “He has to deal with customer complaints every day.”

Step down – to resign or leave a position or job.

Example: “The CEO decided to step down after ten years in the role.”

Follow up – to check on or review something to ensure it has been completed.

Example: “She will follow up with the client to confirm the meeting details.”

Get ahead – to make progress or be successful in one’s career.

Example: “To get ahead in his career, he decided to take additional courses.”

Pitch in – to contribute or help with a task.

Example: “Everyone needs to pitch in to finish the project on time.”

Run by – to explain or present an idea to someone for their opinion.

Example: “I’ll run by my proposal with the team before presenting it to the boss.”

Call off – to cancel a planned event or activity.

Example: “They had to call off the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.”

Knuckle down – to start working hard on something.

Example: “We need to knuckle down and get this report finished by the deadline.”

Take over – to assume control or responsibility for something.

Example: “She will take over the project while the manager is on leave.”

Fill in – to do someone else’s job temporarily.

Example: “Can you fill in for me while I am on vacation?”

Move up – to advance to a higher position in a job.

Example: “She hopes to move up in the company by demonstrating her leadership skills.”

Get along with – to have a good relationship with colleagues.

Example: “It’s important to get along with your coworkers to create a positive work environment.”

Draw up – to prepare a document or plan.

Example: “We need to draw up a new contract for the client.”

Bring up – to mention or introduce a topic in conversation.

Example: “He decided to bring up the issue at the next team meeting.”

Hand in – to submit or deliver something.

Example: “Please hand in your reports by the end of the day.”

Cut back – to reduce something, such as spending or resources.

Example: “The company decided to cut back on unnecessary expenses.”

Lay off – to dismiss employees, usually for economic reasons.

Example: “The company had to lay off several workers due to budget cuts.”

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