Basic Daily English Questions for Everyday Conversations

Basic Daily English Questions for Everyday Conversations

Speaking basic English is important for everyday conversations. Whether you are just starting or want to improve, knowing simple questions and answers can help you communicate better. This guide includes common questions you might hear or need to ask in daily life. These examples will help you feel more comfortable when talking to others, whether at work, with friends, or while running errands.

1Q: What’s your name?

A: My name is [Your Name].

2Q: Where are you from?

A: I’m from [Your Place/Country].

3Q: What do you do for work?

A: I work as a [Your Job/Profession].

4Q: Can you help me?

A: Sure, what do you need help with?

5Q: What time is it?

A: It’s [Time].

6Q: Where is the nearest store?

A: The nearest store is [Direction or Name].

7Q: How much does this cost?

A: It costs [Amount]

8Q: Can I pay by card?

A: Yes, we accept cards. / No, it’s cash only.

9Q: What are your plans for the weekend?

A: I’m planning to [Your Plan], what about you?

10Q: How are you?

A: I’m good, thank you. How about you?

11Q: How was your day?

A: It was good, how was yours?

12Q: Do you speak English?

A: Yes, I do. / A little bit.

13Q: Could you repeat that, please?

A: Sure! [Repeat the phrase].

14Q: What’s your favorite food?

A: I love [Your Favorite Food]. How about you?

15Q: Do you have any siblings?

A: Yes, I have [Number] siblings. Do you?

16Q: Are you free tomorrow?

A: Yes, I am. / No, I’m busy tomorrow.

17Q: Where do you live?

A: I live in [City/Area].

18Q: How do I get to [Location]?

A: You can take a [Bus/Train], or walk [Directions].

19Q: What’s the weather like today?

A: It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy today.

20Q: Can I sit here?

A: Yes, of course! / Sorry, this seat is taken

21Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: I enjoy [hobbies or activities]. How about you?

22Q: How long have you lived here?

A: I’ve lived here for [number] years. How about you?

23Q: Can I get you anything?

A: No, thank you. / Yes, could I have [item]?

24Q: Do you know where [place] is?

A: Yes, it’s [give directions]. / No, I’m not sure.

25Q: What’s the best way to get there?

A: You can take a [bus/taxi], or it’s a short walk.

26Q: Are you married?

A: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

27Q: What kind of music do you like?

A: I like [genre of music]. What about you?

28Q: Do you watch movies?

A: Yes, I love watching movies. / Not really.

29Q: What time do you usually wake up?

A: I usually wake up at [time]. What about you?

30Q: Do you have any pets?

A: Yes, I have a [pet]. / No, I don’t.

31Q: What’s your favorite color?

A: My favorite color is [color]. What about you?

32Q: Have you been here before?

A: Yes, I have. / No, this is my first time

33Q: Are you going out tonight?

A: Yes, I am. / No, I’m staying in tonight.

34Q: What time does the meeting start?

A: It starts at [time].

35Q: Do you like to travel?

A: Yes, I love traveling! / Not much.

36Q: Do you work from home?

A: Yes, I do. / No, I go to the office.

37Q: Where did you go for your last vacation?

A: I went to [place]. How about you?

38Q: What’s your favorite restaurant?

A: I love going to [restaurant].

39Q: What kind of books do you like to read?

A: I like reading [genre] books. What about you?

40Q: Have you been busy lately?

A: Yes, I’ve been quite busy. / No, not too busy.

41Q: What are you doing right now?

A: I’m [activity], and you?

42Q: Have you eaten yet?

A: Yes, I have. / No, not yet.

43Q: What time do you usually go to bed?

A: I usually go to bed at [time]. How about you?

44Q: Do you exercise regularly?

A: Yes, I try to work out every day. / No, not often.

44Q: Can I borrow your pen?

A: Sure, here you go. / Sorry, I don’t have one.

45Q: How do you like your coffee?

A: I like it black/with milk and sugar.

46Q: How was your weekend?

A: It was great, thanks! How was yours?

47Q: Do you like cooking?

A: Yes, I enjoy cooking. / No, not really.

48Q: What’s your favorite season?

A: My favorite season is [season]. What about you?

49Q: Do you have any plans for tonight?

A: Yes, I’m going to [activity]. / No, just staying in.

50Q: Where did you go to school?

A: I went to school at [school/place].

51Q: Can I have the check, please?

A: Sure, I’ll bring it right over.

52Q: How far is it from here?

A: It’s about [distance] away.

53Q: Do you mind if I open the window?

A: No, I don’t mind. / Yes, it’s a bit cold.

54Q: Are you ready to go?

A: Yes, I’m ready. / No, give me a minute.

55Q: What time do you finish work?

A: I finish at [time]. What about you?

56Q: How long will it take to get there?

A: It will take about [time].

57Q: Do you take public transportation?

A: Yes, I take the [bus/train]. / No, I drive.

58Q: What do you think of this place?

A: I like it, it’s nice! / It’s okay, not my favorite.

59Q: What did you do last night?

A: I [activity]. What did you do?

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